Head to head, pink to pink: Mini Cooper vs VW Beetle
Whilst we here at PC HQ live in a world of pink happiness when it comes to motoring, overall, there aren’t that many pink car choices on the market (what is up with that??) but the few that are available to us are making their mark on a global scale and have become pink trademarks – ask anyone to name a famous/well-known pink car and I’m sure you could guess what their answer would be (Cadillac, limo, Homer Simpson’s, etc). So we decided to take two of the world’s leading pink cars and put them head to head (or ‘pink to pink’) and through some pinkiful pictures, ask the question: which car is the most fabulous?
VW Beetle
Image from carsusatoday
The modern classic VW Beetle dipped in bubble gum pink makes for one cute set of wheels
Image from Talking with Tami
Top down, wind in your hair, pink like candy floss – this pretty convertible puts the fab in fabulous
Image from VW Trends
This 1967 ultimate classic Beetle has been given a pink makeover and modified with other Bug parts to create one truly fabulous creature
Legend of all things pink, Barbie and her pink Beetle inspired Fiat to create a life-sized motor for all the Barbie-lovers. If it’s good enough for Barbie, it’s good enough for us
Mini Cooper
The pink range of Mini Coopers is utterly endless! Light pink, dark pink, stripes, stars, spots, dots, stretch, patterned – I could go on and on! These are just some of the beauties out there, so pick your favourite!
Image from adavenautomodified
Chic, sleek and effortlessly cool, the pink Mini Cooper is a girl’s best friend
Image from TopSpeed
Well, fancy that – who’ve thought that Paul Weller loved a pink car? So much so that he designed this stripey model especially for Mini in 2010. We love you Paul
Image from camembertkoala
Never forget your roots – and never ever forgetting the old classic Mini back in the day. Still as fabulous as ever
Image from merrittlimo
And last, but not least – no, this isn’t a case of camera trickery or a good use of Photoshop, this is a real pink Mini Cooper limo! So fabulous, that some even come with a hot tub on the back
So there you have it – two beautiful cars in so many ways. It would be wrong (and not at all impartial) for us to choose between them, so we’ll let you decide.
Cast your vote – which is the most fabulous in your eyes?